Located at: Children's Museum of Utah 
840 N. 300 W.~ Salt Lake City, UT  84103



Museum: (801) 328-3383
club information:  The Train Shoppe  801.322.2729

The Golden Spike Model Railroad club at the Children's Museum of Utah.

The club was founded in 1968 by 24 modelers from Salt Lake City & surrounding areas. The club was originally located at the Utah State Fairpark until 1984 when a change in management forced the club to search for newer territory. The club relocated to the basement of the Children's Museum of Utah in 1984.

The layout occupies a 20' by 50' space with a 4' viewing aisle around 2 outside walls. The design follows a "Mountain Railroad" theme representing the major railroads in Utah and surrounding areas. Portions of the layout highlights UPRR in Weber and Echo Canyons, D&RGW in Soldier Summit and American Fork Canyon, and SP in Donner Pass. The railroad currently boasts 27 scale miles of mainline, with an additional 16 scale miles devoted to Narrow Gauge. The layout also sports a replica of  UP's Ogden round house, 500+ car yard, engine and car repair facilities, Passenger Station and Yard, Intermodal yard etc.

The layout is constantly under construction, replacing wiring, older fiber-tie flex track, and inoperable control panels and switches. A new dispatch panel and room is now installed and functional allowing operation of 6 trains simultaneously with separate yard operation. Want to play trains? Then, there's the issue of scenery, buildings, and signaling. Do you really ever finish a layout?

The club operates for the public on Saturdays 12:00 to 5:00 PM. (Charge for Museum) Club meets every Saturday 7:30 to ?  Operating sessions are the 1st Sat. of each month. Public is welcome.

Layout Photos


contents copyright 2000 T.D. Holdeman / Wasatch Media


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